Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Two

Well, I did good and took pictures of everything I ate today, and went to go upload them, and realized that my memory card wasn't even in my camera all day! UGH! I will still post everything I ate...along with Points Plus values. Sorry I didn't do that yesterday!

Breakfast - 1 cup cheerios, 1 cup milk, strawberries - 5 points plus

Lunch - Banana with 2 TBSP Peanut butter on a wrap - 6 points plus

Snack - 2 squares of Dove Dark Chocolate - 2 points plus

Snack - Granola Bar - 2 points plus

Snack - 1 cup Veggie Chips - 6 points plus

Snack - Grapes

Dinner - Smart Ones Tuna Noodle Casserole - 6 points plus

Dessert - Hershey's Dark Chocolate Bar - 6 points plus

Snack - 100 calorie pack and FF Hot Chocolate - 3 points plus

Can you tell I was craving chocolate today??? I was proud of myself because I worked it into my points plus target and didn't go crazy. Go me! :-) Hope you all had a great day today!

(By the way, I get 36 Points Plus a day...if you are wondering! )

1 comment:

  1. New follower here;)Sounds like your on your way. WW is such a good program from what I hear. I look forward to supporting you.


