Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I've fallen down and I can't get up!

It has been a rough, and I mean ROUGH past 5 days. Saturday started with my son getting a fever, and he has been sick ever since. High fever, cranky and attached to my hip for 5 days. If that was not bad enough, I had to work Monday-Thursday this week, from 9am to 6pm at my dad's store. I brought my son because he couldn't be without me, but it just upped the stress by 100! I don't diet well under stress. I know it is not an excuse, but it is the truth. I didn't have time each morning to pack food as I was running out of the house with a sick kid, and all of his stuff for the day, so I ate whatever everyone else did at work. I feel so fat to be completely honest. I really need to shake it off and start again tomorrow. I still have one more day at work this week, so I need to figure out what to bring for lunch and dinner tomorrow. Maybe I should just get Subway on the way. What I need to do is just commit to 1 full week of taking pictures of EVERYTHING and tracking EVERY point. I am a person of habit, so if I can get a good solid week of doing perfect in, I will tend to stick to it out of just momentum. It's just been rough this past week, and I know I will be up a couple on Saturday. Trying not to let it get me down too much, because if I do, and give up, I will be 200 again before I know it. Just trying to get back up and get back on track...


  1. You can do this! Like my WW leader says "Don't let a lapse turn into a COLlapse!"

  2. I'm sure weeks that you work are SO hard! :( Hopefully this week will be better now that Benny is feeling better!
