Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Good Morning!

Hello my faithful 13! :-) I wanted to let you all know that I weighed in on Sunday, and I was 204. Now to you guys, that is down 1/2 pound from 2 weeks ago, BUT, last Tuesday I weighed 207.5 from pigging out for 2 weeks, so I really lost 3.5 in 4 days! :-) I was pretty happy with that. I need to just stay motivated so I can lose the last 5 I need to, in order to get to the 100's. Then I can start working to the next small goal I've made...getting out of the 190s! I figure I should just take it 10 pounds at a time, instead of having such a HUGE goal of losing 35 pounds!
It went really well having Sunday be my "Cheat and Sweets" day. ( Catchy name...don't you think? :-) It was so nice to have a day that I gave myself permission to indulge and enjoy myself...because then I didn't feel guilty about it afterwards. I made Toll House Pie, and enjoyed it immensely! You know what though? I thought that having sweets and stuff would make me want them on Monday, but I think it did the opposite! Yesterday I went to a birthday party, and they had yummy cake with tons of frosting, and I wasn't even tempted. I was just thinking of what dessert I could make this coming Sunday that would be even BETTER than that, and how good I would feel eating it, if I felt I did good all week. I don't know if this makes any sense to you guys...haha...but I really feel like it is working for me right now.
I also wanted to start something new on here. I would like to set a 2 week goal, every 2 weeks. ( OBVIOUSLY! :-) My 2 week goal from this past Sunday, is to be 199 on July 3rd. I know that is 2.5 pounds a week, but I'm going to shoot for it. If I don't, then hopefully I can do it in 3 weeks. I'm not going to beat myself up about it if I don't do it, but I like having a goal!

What would you like to accomplish in the next 2 weeks? I'd love to hear!


  1. It's nice to see you in a better frame of mind, Jessica! :) I think your plan is working! Maybe I should try that! I love your mini goals. That works for me, too. Since falling off the wagon about a week and a half ago, I have to reconfigure where I am and what I want my mini goal to be. I think my goal right now is just staying OP and following the plan for the next two weeks. If I do that, then I will lose weight, but my focus has to be on my eating right now and not the number on the scale. Yay for us!

  2. Glad you are back on track--feels good doesn't it?! The once a week sweets are a good idea, and that toll house pie sounds amazing :)

  3. Small goals are alot easier!! you are doing good!! =) keep it up!

  4. Congrats on your loss. I do small goals, too--much less overwhelming!
