Sorry it's been so long since I posted! My mom and I went away this past weekend with my 2 girls to Toronto, Canada. We took them to Canada's Wonderland, and stayed in a hotel with a pool! :-) They had a lot of fun! Of course I ate more than I should have, but probably not as much as I could have! I did pack fruit/nuts that I did eat, but of course I ate bad stuff too.
So, I am moving my WI days to Thursday nights, now that I am going to Weight Watchers, cause that's when my meetings are. I weighed in last Thursday at 204.4. Slowly but surely heading down. I am going to try something for the next 6 weeks though. Tell me if I'm crazy! ;-)
I am going to try to go off of sugar/sweets until my Florida trip. I know I can do it, because I did it for a month before. I also am going to try to reduce my intake of carbs. Just try to skip bread as much as I can, and "carby" snacks, and try to eat more protein. I don't like "no carb" diets, because I don't see how it can be healthy to be able to eat 2 pounds of bacon, but not a banana! So, I'm still doing Weight Watchers, but just trying to eat as little "bread type" carbs as I can. I am still going to eat my fruit though! I'm just going to try to eat only wheat, if I have bread at all. I know this is going to be hard, but I think I will be glad I did it when I'm in Florida in 6 weeks! When I don't eat carbs, my stomach gets flatter too, so I KNOW I will appreciate that!
Well, I will try to post again before Thursday and let you know how my new "plan" is working, but if I don't get a chance, I will be back to let you know how my WI goes on Thursday night! Have a great week!