Monday, August 29, 2011

Day One...yet again!

Well, the past week was rough...lots of birthday parties=lots of junk food! I weighed in this morning at 207.5. I will return to posting my WI's on Mondays. I'm thinking about joining back up at WW again this week. I know it's a lot of money, but it helps so much to go to the meetings! I just have to make sure my sister can watch the kids so I can go! :-)
Today was the start of a new "adventure" for me! My neighbor and I are going to start walking together every morning! I'm so excited about it! This morning I woke up at 5:45am and we started walking at 6am. We did 3 miles in about 45 minutes. We are going to do the 3 mile route each day. I am NOT a morning person, so it is really hard for me to get out of bed that early, but knowing that someone is waiting for me, makes me be accountable! I'm hoping getting that workout in every morning, will help me make wiser food choices throughout the day!
I did good with eating today too! I'm starving now of course, but I'm going to go to bed, and dream of being skinny, instead of eating! Good night! :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Just want to let you know, I will be posting tomorrow, and hopefully starting to get in the habit of posting daily again. I had a crazy busy week with 1st birthday parties for my son, so I have not had much time for anything! I will be back tomorrow!

Also, I want to thank you all for the encouraging words on my last post, and for my new followers! It really helps! :-)

Monday, August 22, 2011

I might as well get this over with...

I have been dreading updating this blog, because I'm embarrassed, quite honestly. I have been up, down, up, down, up, down, for the past 2 months. Right now I am "up". I did two weeks perfectly and was 204, then I had a busy, BAD weekend of eating, and I'm 208 this morning. 208???? REALLY??? It took only 2 days to gain that? I'm just depressed because I am struggling so much this time around. My son just turned 1 yesterday, and to think I am still over 200 a year after his birth, is sickening to me. I could give excuses all day like I am crazy busy with three kids, don't have time to work out, I'm homeschooling, my baby gets up at the crack of dawn, etc, but in all honesty, there is no excuse. I am not trying hard enough. We are leaving for Disney on November 1st, and I would like to be at least 190 by then. Of course my original plan was to be 170, but I screwed that up.
Sorry for the depressing post. I stink, and sometimes I just need to beat myself up....